Paredaim Plus

Simple Boolean Search Tricks for Remote Job Success

Paredaim Plus
Why Every Job Seeker in Nigeria Should Use Boolean Search

Writing a resume for a job in Nigeria involves filling up a very competitive job market. Statista revealed that Nigeria’s unemployment rate was expected to be 33.5% in 2024, which means that millions of people struggled to find a job. Indeed, traditional ways of searching for job openings like newspapers and recommendations are still utilized, however, with the advancement of technology employment has taken a new twist. Boolean search, sometimes overlooked, provides an analytical advantage to job seekers willing to succeed and overcome the competition.

The growth of media technology in Nigeria as well as the realization of digital media has created enormous room in employment through blog job sites such as Jobberman and MyJobMag, and other international ones including LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor among others. But trying to land the perfect job that suits the qualifications you possess is as difficult as searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s where the Boolean search can be helpful; it is a method that enables the candidates to sort and narrow down the search results with an extraordinary level of precision.

In this blog post, you will learn what Boolean search is, how Nigerian job seekers can adopt the following Boolean search tips and why acknowledging Boolean search is a game changer to your online job search.


What Is Boolean Search?

Boolean search is a search method where one uses operators to minimize or maximize the results you get. This method is used by typing in small words and symbols like AND, OR, NOT, “, to search for specific information; Borrowed from George Boole – a mathematician.

For example, if you’re searching for a digital marketing job in Lagos, a Boolean search query might look like this:

- Digital Marketing Lagos Entry-Level NOT Internship

This search will draw you jobs for fresh digital marketing careers in Lagos that are not internships. With the help of Boolean search operators, you can similarly learn and increase your efficiency when scrolling through job offers.


Why Boolean Search Matters in Nigerian Job Hunting

1. Improved Precision: There may exist thousands of job listings on Nigerian and international job sites. Boolean search allows you to eliminate scams and other uninteresting listings in search of positions that match your skills and geographic preference.

2. Time Efficiency: In Nigeria, internet usage is currently over 40% based on available projections for 2023, and therefore, the use of search engines for a job opening is considered a strategy that is closely adopted by many job seekers. In my case, Boolean query saves me hours in scrolling through pages and pages of unrelated results.

3. Access to Hidden Opportunities: Most people fail to find the so-called ‘invisible’ positions—positions that no one looks for because they don’t key in the basic search terms. Boolean search enables you to find these hidden gems since you can set your searches.

4. Enhanced Professionalism: Getting a grip on Boolean search signals shows your employer that you are tech-savvy, which is a huge plus in the modern world.



How to Use Boolean Search for Your Job Search in Nigeria

1. Learn More About Basic Boolean Operators

- AND: Uses keywords separated by the ‘AND’ operator so that all these terms feature in the results. Example: customer service Abuja full-time

- OR: Makes your search broader by including words that are related to the one you are searching for. Example: Graphic Designer OR (Visual Artist)

- NOT: Excludes certain terms. Example: Data Analyst ≠ Internship

- Quotation Marks (“): Searches for exact phrases. Example: “Software Developer”

- Parentheses (): Collects similar terms to operate as a search parameter. Example: ((Sales Manager AND Business Developer OR Business Developer AND Sales Manager) ALL) Lagos


2. Focus on Specific Job Titles and Skills

Job titles and the abilities needed for certain jobs differ from one business sector to another. Use Boolean search to target multiple variations:

Example: ((Humans Resources Manager OR HR Manager)) AND performance management AND minimum 5 years experience


3. Leverage Nigerian Job Boards and Global Platforms

In case you are visiting Nigerian websites such as Jobberman or using global sites including LinkedIn, use Boolean search right in the search box. Google Jobs also enables Boolean search and displays the results from more than one site.



4. Filter by Location and Industry

Our analysis reveals that Nigeria’s job market is indeed primarily regional with Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt boasting of the lion's share. Specify your preferred location and industry:

Example: Lagos, “Accountant”, AND “Oil and Gas”, NOT “Internship”


5. Integrate a Boolean Search with Advanced Fields

All the mentioned platforms also have other options like salary, experience, and date of posting. These should be used together with Boolean search for the best results.


Boolean Search Success Stories

Here is all that theory put into a practical perspective: Tobi, who is a young graduate of the University of Lagos spent several months in a job hunt seeking digital marketing positions. Because of Boolean search skills, she refined her search with words such as “Content Strategist” and “Social Media Manager” while eliminating words such as “internship” that she had already done. In a few weeks of creating the video, Tobi secured interviews with 3 of the leading firms in the industry.

In the same vein, Chukwuemeka, an IT professional, who has gained ten years of practice in Abuja, also employed the Boolean search to refine roles based on his certifications in cloud computing. Thanks to his refined search, he quickly managed to get a highly paid job in less than a month.



Challenges and How to Overcome Them

- Complex Syntax: Boolean search does seem to pose a certain pressure at the start. Beginner only and then move to intermediate and advanced levels to get acquainted with what you are engaging in.

- Platform Limitations: Indeed, some of the job boards: partially support Boolean search. In such cases, there are Google Jobs or LinkedIn, for instance, that do it.

- Over-filtering: Too much specificity may reduce your results. If you’re not getting enough hits use a broader keyword search.



For the Nigerian job seeker who competes in today’s globalized world, therefore, how to successfully secure a job of one’s choice can only be matched with modern-day hunting skills. Boolean search is not just an instrument; it’s a breakthrough. It is by achieving this that job hunters will be in a position to access specific opportunities which match their skills, time and interests much faster. No matter how many years in, or how fresh out of college you may be, dedicating time to develop this skill will make you one step closer to your dream position.

Begin using Boolean search today and step up to responsibility for your career path. If these techniques are practiced, Nigerian job boards and international forums can be your direct pass to the jobs of your dreams.